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JACL Weekly Digest

August 20, 2024


JACL National News


Last Chance!

Help Us Better Serve You! Fill out the 2024 JACL Membership Survey for a Chance to Win an Amazon Giftcard! 

We’re excited to announce the 2024 JACL Membership Survey! This anonymous survey is designed to enhance our understanding of our diverse membership, including your unique demographics and political attitudes on various topics.

Why Participate?

  • Anonymous & Confidential: Your name and email address will not be tied to your responses. We ensure that all data is secure and non-disclosed.
  • For JACL Members Only: This survey is exclusively for our members, allowing us to tailor our services and initiatives to better meet your needs.

What’s in It for You? By participating, you’ll help us gain valuable insights into the changing needs and attitudes of our community. As a token of our appreciation, we’re offering five $50 Amazon gift cards to randomly selected participants!

Please fill out the survey by Tuesday, August 20th.

Thank you for contributing to the future of JACL! 

Questions? Email ebraun@jacl.org.


Last Chance!

2024 Post National Convention Survey

THANK YOU again for attending this year's JACL National Convention. Please fill out this short survey to let us know how you thought convention went! Feedback helps us make improvements for future programming. 


A Call for President Biden to Sign an Executive Order to Establish a Reparations Commission Before Leaving Office

Join us in calling President Biden to sign an executive order establishing a commission to study reparations for African Americans before leaving office. This action will also honor the legacy of the late Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who passionately advocated for HR 40 and its pursuit of justice and equality. We call upon citizens, elected officials, organization leaders, and faith leaders to stand united with us by signing our letter to make this crucial step toward racial healing a reality.

Rev. Redeem Robinson, All Souls Movement - Los Angeles, CA


Virtual Symposium - Trans Allyship: Learn, Grow, Act hosted by Okaeri, JACL, and PFLAG SGV API

Trans Allyship: Learn, Grow, Act is a joint effort by Okaeri, the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), and PFLAG. This effort grew from the realization that the transgender community, and its Japanese American and API members, are largely invisible and misunderstood both in LGBTQ+ spaces and especially among allies. Through this symposium, we aim to address this gap by (1) facilitating a basic understanding of the trans community, and (2) emphasizing touchpoints of Heart, Head, and Home: to connect, educate, and encourage attendees to take action in their own communities. In doing so, we hope to educate and inform allies about the transgender community to help them make better-informed and more inclusive social, community, and civic choices.

The symposium will be held virtually over Zoom on Saturday September 28th from 10am-3:30pm PST, and will feature an opening plenary, guest speakers, workshops, and discussion groups exploring areas of advocacy, information, and family support. Registration is free and open to all. 


JACL Chapters News

If any JACL Chapters would like to submit stories or events to the Weekly Digest, please send inquiries to Education Programs Manager, Matthew Weisbly at mweisbly@jacl.org


Applications are now open for the NCWNP District Youth Board Chair for 2025-2026!

Are you a young person in the NCWNP District eager to make a difference with the JACL? Join a dynamic team, enhance your leadership skills, build your network, and engage with peers while contributing to the oldest and largest Asian American civil rights organization! We encourage applicants from all backgrounds and experiences.

Apply now at bit.ly/apply-dyb-chair by Monday, September 30. If you have any questions, email us at ncwnpyouthboard@jacl.org.


Kansha Too! Hosted by JACL Chicago 


JACL DC Chapter Keiro Kai!


From Our Partners


Special Presentation on "I Am An American" Traveling Exhibit from the National Musem of the U.S. Army

I Am An American: the Nisei Soldier Experience Traveling Exhibit Presentation on Thursday, August 29, 2024, at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. This will be a special presentation about the U.S. Army’s first traveling exhibit, I Am An American: The Nisei Soldier Experience, which will launch in 2026 to 11-cities nationwide about the Japanese American WWII soldiers in the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team and Military Intelligence Service.

Highlighting the event will be keynote speaker, General Eric K. Shinseki, former 34th Chief of Staff, US Army and US Secretary of Veteran Affairs, who will speak on the theme of "Legacy" and a presentation by U.S. Army leadership and National Veterans Network from Washington D.C. We are also pleased to have Emmy Award Winning KABC News Anchor and Producer of Defining Courage, David Ono, join us as our M.C. and for a special presentation about the Nisei soldiers.

This is a multi-generational family event and is free to the public


Kintsugi 2024 Hosted by Tsuru for Solidarity in Little Tokyo

Registration for Kintsugi just opened! Secure your spot before it books up. 

Who should attend Kintsugi?

We are asking that participants self-identify as Japanese American or Nikkei and must be at least 18 years old. 

Other than that, Kintsugi is for you. You DO NOT need to have any previous knowledge of trauma, intergenerational trauma, Japanese American culture or history.

We hope Kintsugi can gather a diverse range of Nikkei and Japanese American people.

For more information and registration information visit tsuruforsolidarity.org/kintsugi 


JARCC August Events 

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, August 23, 24 & 25 / Sakura Square Foundation Presents: Spirit of Japan - Sakura Square / 1255 19th Street / More information can be found here


Poston Pilgrimage Registration Now Open!

Poston Pilgrimage – Oct 25 & 26, 2024 

The Poston Pilgrimage is an opportunity to learn more about the Poston Incarceration Camp, where approximately 18,000 Japanese Americans were imprisoned during World War II. Visit the current Poston site, learn of our preservation efforts, attend our various workshop and hear from our keynote speaker.

In collaboration with the CRIT Tribal Council, we are upholding the memories of camp life and highlighting the significant links and relationships between the Japanese American incarcerates and members of the tribal community.


Follow JACL on:


JACL Headquarters
1765 Sutter Street
San Francisco, California 94115
(415) 921-5225 | mbr@jacl.org

JACL DC Office
1612 K Street NW, Suite 1400
Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 223-1240 | policy@jacl.org

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