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JACL Weekly Digest

July 23, 2024


JACL National News


JACL Calls for Swift Return of Sadako Statue to Seattle Peace Park

Seattle, Washington, July 15, 2024.

The Japanese American Citizens League expresses its dismay with the apparent theft of a statue of Sadako Sasaki from Seattle’s Peace Park. Sadako Sasaki has come to symbolize the hope for world peace due to her tragic death related to the bombing of Hiroshima and this statue has an especially important tie to our Japanese American community. The park was created due to the leadership and activism of Floyd Schmoe, who dedicated his life first to fighting the injustice of Japanese American mass incarceration during WWII and after the war, to the lasting impacts of the atomic bomb on the Japanese people who survived. The removal of this statue is an affront to the legacy of Floyd Schmoe, and in the face of increasing political and wartime violence, is an unfortunate reminder of the deterioration of the dream of world peace.


JACL Condemns Political Violence, Renews Call for Assault Weapons Ban


JACL Concludes its 2024 National Convention in Philadelphia

July 19, 2024

This past week JACL hosted its 54th National Convention themed “Looking Into the Future Together,” in the historic city of Philadelphia. In conjunction with partner organizations, OCA and APIAVote, the Convention was a great success, uniting the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities and celebrating our rich history through educational workshops, socials, and speeches from distinguished guests.


JACL and JACL Houston Mourns Passing of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

Houston, Texas, July 20, 2024.

The Japanese American Citizens League and the JACL Houston Chapter were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Her long career of public service to the city of Houston began as a municipal judge followed by election to Houston City Council before her nearly 30 years as Representative of Texas’ 18th Congressional District.


New Partnership Gets You Paid to Enjoy the JACL Community!

Grouper connects you with social fitness benefits in your health plan. Eligible participants 65+ with qualifying plans can receive a check in the mail, recognizing your passion as beneficial to health. Check eligibility at GrouperGroups.com/jacl, and let JACL be on your health plan.


JACL Chapters News

If any JACL Chapters would like to submit stories or events to the Weekly Digest, please send inquiries to Education Programs Manager, Matthew Weisbly at mweisbly@jacl.org


JACL San Diego Virtual Monthly Dialogues


From Hiroshima to Hope - Seattle, WA


Kansha Too! Hosted by JACL Chicago 


From Our Partners


JA Community Foundation 2nd Round Grant LOIs 

The JA Community Foundation is currently focusing our funding on the Japanese American community. We accept applications from all 50 states in the United States.

We fund programs and projects that focus on senior health and services, history, arts and culture, and youth.

All grantees are required to be registered 501c3 public benefit nonprofit organizations.

Our grant application process has two stages. You must first submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) and then, if invited, submit a full proposal.

Deadline is July 31, 2024.


Poston Pilgrimage Registration Now Open!

Poston Pilgrimage – Oct 25 & 26, 2024 

The Poston Pilgrimage is an opportunity to learn more about the Poston Incarceration Camp, where approximately 18,000 Japanese Americans were imprisoned during World War II. Visit the current Poston site, learn of our preservation efforts, attend our various workshop and hear from our keynote speaker.

In collaboration with the CRIT Tribal Council, we are upholding the memories of camp life and highlighting the significant links and relationships between the Japanese American incarcerates and members of the tribal community.


JAMP Topaz Pilgrimage Registration Now Open!

JAMP is thrilled to announce that our next pilgrimage will be to Topaz, Utah! Topaz is the camp where Kimiko’s family was incarcerated during WWII, which makes this a more personal trip.

Stay tuned for more details, and we look forward to being in community with other Topaz survivors and descendants!

This pilgrimage is made possible in part through a generous grant from The Henri and Tomoye Takahashi Charitable Foundation.

*Please note that this pilgrimage is organized by Japanese American Memorial Pilgrimages and is not affiliated with the Topaz Museum Board.


Follow JACL on:


JACL Headquarters
1765 Sutter Street
San Francisco, California 94115
(415) 921-5225 | mbr@jacl.org

JACL DC Office
1612 K Street NW, Suite 1400
Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 223-1240 | policy@jacl.org

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