COVID-19 and JACL operations and resources | |
JACL's physical offices remain closed. Staff continue to do the work of the organization remotely. Please direct all phone calls to our Washington, D.C. Office at (202) 223-1240 and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. Otherwise, we will all be available via email. All staff emails can be found HERE. You can also check our website,, for updates and COVID-19 resources. You can view our resources page here. Stay safe everyone and we hope to see you all in person again soon. - JACL National Staff | |
For California Members: Join us in Support of ACA 5! | |
ACA 5 will allow Californian voters to remove an outdated and antiquated law that restricts local and state leaders from minimizing inequality and promoting economic fairness. This measure seeks to prevent continued discrimination against women and people of color by allowing gender, racial and ethnic diversity to be considered as one of many factors in public employment, public contracting, and public education. California is one of only eight states to have an anti-equal opportunity ban. The State Assembly has passed the act, but the Senate needs to pass it by June 25 in order to make it on the November ballot! | |
JACL Letter in Support of ACA 5 | |
Dear Assemblymember Weber: The Japanese American Citizens League [JACL] thanks you for your leadership and offers our enthusiastic support for passage of ACA 5. As the nation’s oldest and largest Asian American civil rights organization, we have long seen the impact of racial discrimination in this country. Race is inextricably linked to who we are and how we are perceived in education and employment. To not consider race and ethnicity as a fundamental component of everyone’s identity is to deny their humanity. | |
President Trump has Dishonored Our Nation's History with Concentration Camps | |
JACL continues to be disturbed by the President’s insistent use of phrases such as ‘Kung Flu’ to describe COVID-19 as he did in his rally in Tulsa, OK this past weekend. And yet, that was not the most troublesome news about the President this past weekend. On Thursday, reporting on a new book from former National Security Adviser John Bolton, it was revealed that last year Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Trump discussed the concentration camps China was using to imprison mostly Uighur, but also Kazakh and other predominantly Muslim minority groups. In response, President Trump responded that China should continue to build the camps and that, “he thought it was exactly the right thing to do.” In an interview on Friday, President Trump also confirmed that he had delayed issuing sanctions on China to ease the completion of a trade deal. To date, the United Nations has estimated that at least one million people have been imprisoned in the Uighur concentration camps. | |
Join Us in Support of H.R. 40 | |
JACL Executive Director, David Inoue, discusses JACL’s support of H.R. 40. H.R. 40 would create a commission to examine the institution of slavery, its legacy, and make recommendations to Congress for reparations, beginning a process of repairing and restoring after centuries of enslavement. Click the image above to watch the full video statement. | |
APIAVote Virtual Presidential Town Hall June 27, 2020 | |
From APIAVote: "Since 2008, the Presidential Town Hall has served as a forum for AAPIs to push for AAPI issues to be addressed and on the radar of campaigns and the media. In giving presidential candidates a space to directly address AAPI community members, leaders, and organizers, the town hall has become one of the few spaces geared specifically for candidates to speak directly to AAPIs, about AAPIs." | |
APIAVote National AAPI Leadershi Summit June 27, 2020 | |
The Presidential Town Hall is scheduled for the afternoon of June 27. A number of workshops and convenings will be scheduled days leading up to the Town Hall as well as dates afterward. This includes various panel discussions, trainings, and more related to youth engagement, election protection, policy priorities, GOTV and voter registration. | |
Tadaima Week 2 Programming: A Brief History of JACL | |
As part of the Tadaima Virtual Community Pilgrimage hosted by Japanese American Memorial Pilgrimages, we're happy to present a brief history of the JACL and a discussion with past national president/Executive Director, Floyd Mori, and current national president, Jeffrey Moy, hosted by Vice President of Public Affairs, Sarah Baker. We want to thank Lane Nishikawa for allowing us to show his trailer for his upcoming documentary on the JACL, "League of Dreams" from West River Productions. You can click above to watch the full video! | |
Pacific Citizen Spring Campaign - Donate Today! | |
The Pacific Citizen's Annual Spring Campaign is back again! This year, members or subscribers who make a donation of $150 or more are entered into a drawing for some prizes including: A 750ml bottle of Mikami Vineyard Zinfandel, a Hello Kitty Tote from JANM, or a 1-year subscription to the Pacific Citizen! You can donate online below or mailing in the donation form from your physical copy of the PC! | |
JACL Organizational Sign Ons | |
We've updated our Hate Crimes Page to include more information and reporting options for members of the community as hate crimes increase as a result of COVID-19. You can visit the updated page here. | |
Bystander Intervention Training hosted by AAJC and Hollaback! | |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC and Hollaback! have partnered up for a free virtual training on bystander intervention to address heightened anti-Asian and anti-Asian American hate and xenophobia in the wake of COVID-19. Sign up for a time convenient for you! You can find dates and sign-ups here! (Scroll down for updated dates) | |