COVID-19 and JACL operations and resources | |
JACL's physical offices remain closed. Staff continue to do the work of the organization remotely. Please direct all phone calls to our Washington, D.C. Office at (202) 223-1240 and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. Otherwise, we will all be available via email. All staff emails can be found HERE. You can also check our website,, for updates and COVID-19 resources. You can view our resources page here. Stay safe everyone and we hope to see you all in person again soon. - JACL National Staff | |
Our Outrage for George Floyd's Murder is Not Enough | |
June 1, 2020 Officer Derek Chauvin, now being charged with murder and manslaughter, was not alone in George Floyd’s murder. Also complicit were officers Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng, and most visibly, Tou Thao, an Asian American officer who, instead of using his authority to stop Chauvin, chose to enable and protect his partner. The JACL denounces the actions of Officer Thao and stands with the Black community in demanding justice for George Floyd and all Black lives... There can be no peace so long as our society and our government remain violent, both in physical action and policy, towards our own citizens. Our time to stand together is now. Black Lives Matter. | |
An Open Letter from the Twin Cities JACL to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and Police Chief Medaria Arradondo | |
Pacific Citizen - From the Executive Director: History Repeats itself | |
May 22, 2020 On May 18, Vincent Chin would have turned 65. Ten days earlier, on May 8, Ahmaud Arbery would have turned 26. One, Asian American, the other, African American, both men hunted down by two white men and brutally murdered in modern-day lynchings. Chin died at the age of 27, Arbery was 25, barely into adulthood. The symmetry in their killings is frightening and shows that things have not changed in the nearly 38 years that separates their murders, perhaps even going back to the 1871 Chinese Massacre or the first documented lynching in 1835. | |
JACL Organizational Sign-Ons | |
Thank You for Supporting Lessons From the Past: Yellow Peril in COVID-19 Times | |
Thank you to all our members and supporters who attended our webinar, Lessons from the Past: Yellow Peril in COVID-19 Times! Our panelists want to extend their sincere gratitude as well for the warm reception and compliments they received. We look forward to you attending our next session this month, which we'll be announcing soon. Until then, if you missed the webinar you can watch the recording by clicking the button below! | |
As part of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, we're partnering with Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA), South East Asian Resource Center (SEARAC), National Coalition of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA), and The Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation (HMWF) on a webinar discussing Asian American mental health through both a historical lens and through the lens of the current pandemic. | |
Okaeri Online: Queer Nikkei Stories | |
JACL Committee Deadlines: June 16 | |
The deadline for elections and nominations, awards, and credentials committees are due June 16, 2020, two weeks from today! If you haven't already completed and submitted your forms for any of these committees be sure to do so in the next two weeks! | |
Register for Tsuru Rising: Virtual Pilgrimage June 6-7 | |
While Tsuru for Solidarity is unable to hold a physical pilgrimage in Washington, DC, they're still planning a virtual program for supporters and to continue the message of "Never Again is Now!" The program will be free to all, all you have to do is RSVP below! You can also find more information on programming, dates, and times below! | |
Register Now for Tadaima Virtual Pilgrimage with JAMP, NPS, JACL, and More! | |
NCWNP JACL District Memorial Day Service | |
For Memorial Day, the Northern California Western Nevada Pacific District of the JACL along with San Jose JACL and the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans hosted a memorial day service to honor the Nisei Veterans of Foreign Wars. Edited from the previous digest, which forgot to attribute NCWNP District as the main sponsor of the program. | |
NCAPA Release 2020 Policy Platform | |
NCAPA National Director, Gregg Orton said: “The NCAPA Policy Platform marks the culmination of a collaborative project that reflects the best of what NCAPA represents: a diverse group of AA and NHPI leaders coming together to craft a cohesive narrative that uplifts the voices of our community. The recommendations contained in this platform are a direct challenge to the notion that our community is not engaged on the issues that impact our lives. They are also an invitation to any elected leader to work with us and build genuine partnerships aimed at improving the lives of the Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders that they represent." | |
APAHM Month of Giving - Donate to JACL | |
As we celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in these unprecedented times, we are still hard at work to make sure we continue the work of the JACL and fighting against anti-Asian sentiment in the wake of this epidemic. Please consider donating to JACL to help support our community and help fight discrimination as we celebrate our history and culture in this month of May! | |
JACL Legacy Fund Grant Applications Deadline Extended! Deadline Now: June 16, 2020 Legacy Fund Grants Committee Co-Chairs Roberta Barton and Toshi Abe announced that the application deadline for the Legacy Fund Grants Program has been reset to June 16, 2020. The adjustment was made in response to the recent cancellation of the JACL National Convention caused by the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. An updated Application and Application Instruction documents are available on the JACL website at All applications, including those submitted under the previous deadlines, will now be required to include a contingency plan (back-up plan) to address potential COVID-19 restrictions that could alter the project timeline and/or project format. Any questions or concerns can be directed to the co-chairs at and JACL Chapters and Districts are eligible to apply for a grant to support a project or activity that is supportive of the National JACL Strategic Plan. Grants of up to $5,000 each will be awarded by the Legacy Fund Grants Committee to selected applicants. Funding for the program grants are provided by Legacy Fund revenues. | |
We've updated our Hate Crimes Page to include more information and reporting options for members of the community as hate crimes increase as a result of COVID-19. You can visit the updated page here. | |
Bystander Intervention Training hosted by AAJC and Hollaback! | |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC and Hollaback! have partnered up for a free virtual training on bystander intervention to address heightened anti-Asian and anti-Asian American hate and xenophobia in the wake of COVID-19. Sign up for a time convenient for you! You can find dates and sign-ups here! (Scroll down for updated dates) | |